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How can SEA businesses expand their presence through social media?

8 out of 10 consumers in the region use online platforms to discover items they want to buy. 

How can SEA businesses expand their presence through social media?

8 out of 10 consumers in the region use online platforms to discover items they want to buy. 

6 ways SEA businesses can adopt to digital consumers' growth

SEA is the new e-commerce powerhouse, Facebook and Bain & Company said.

SEA retailers must reimagine consumer engagement to drive sales: report

Digital media has taken a heavier role in brand discovery and consideration.

Rising customers from smaller towns boost India e-retail market

Social commerce could potentially democratise e-retail in smaller towns.

SEA digital consumers to reach 350 million by end-2021

The report also said that digital retail share in the region grew 85% year-on-year.