Morinaga Nutritional Foods Vietnam unveils sustainability strategies
MNFV's sustainability management is structured around four pillars.
Morinaga Nutritional Foods Vietnam (MNFV), a subsidiary of the Morinaga Milk Industry Group (Japan), formerly known as Elovi, is implementing new strategies for sustainable development and responsible business practices in Vietnam.
MNFV's sustainability management is structured around four pillars, namely Food and Wellness, Resources and the Environment, People and Society, and Governance and Risk Management, all integrated into its business activities.
The group recently participated in a seminar organised by the United Nations Development Programme of Vietnam and Vietnam Japan University to discuss its Sustainability Management Strategy.
Concrete actions have already been initiated as part of the action plan, including the decision to install solar panels in the factory and conducting a human rights impact assessment in the first quarter of 2024.
Moreover, MNFV also launched a short-term training program on sustainability management for university students in April.
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MNFV's approach, in line with UN’s "Our Common Future" (1987) principle, aims to minimise negative impacts on the environment and society whilst creating positive value for the community and increasing corporate value sustainably.
"We believe that contributing to the sustainable development of Vietnam, not just for our sales and profit, is the significance of our business expansion from Japan to Vietnam,” said Uechi Naoto, executive director of the corporate division of MNFV.
“We also have a responsibility to future generations. Built into our business is the belief that taking positive action toward global environmental and social issues is indispensable for the future,” he added.